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原文網址:Why Spam Won’t Go Away

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文/陳曉莉 (編譯) 2006-12-11

MelindaGates工具會下載KMS伺服器的VMwar映像,藉以騙過微軟認證伺服器,讓盜版用戶能夠持續使用Vista Business/Enterprise等企業大量授權版。
微軟於11月底推出最新作業系統Windows Vista企業大量授權版沒多久,駭客就開發了該作業系統的啟動破解工具,以讓盜版用戶順利執行Windows Vista。


為了降低盜版,微軟在Windows Vista首次要求企業大量授權版本用戶進行軟體啟動程序,但為了方便企業用戶的產品啟動程序,微軟所提供的做法中其中一項是提供了名為Key Management Service(KMS)的工具,讓客戶能夠執行微軟所提供的認證伺服器。但KMS工具要求企業至少要有25部上網的電腦。

駭客所開發的MelindaGates工具會下載KMS伺服器的VMwar映像,藉以騙過認證伺服器,讓盜版用戶能夠持續使用Vista Business/Enterprise等企業大量授權版。




  • Linus:提供頻寬供FON user使用。
  • Bill:提供頻寬給FON user使用,而且要收費。
  • Aliens:使用上述二種角色所提供的服務,並要支付頻寬使用的費用。


硬體製造商是ZyXel (合勤科技)所生產的,與國內合作的ISP是Seednet。 Seednet預計國內要推出5000個熱點供大家使用FON這項服務。

這台的硬體規格中規中矩,二組SSID,支援IEEE 802.11 b/g。



1. spammer 利用圖片型的 spam來突破封鎖。雖然anti-spam software可以利用OCR的技術來過濾圖片中的內容,但是spammer更可以在圖片內塞入許多的noisy data,藉以混淆anti-spam engine的判斷。所以pattern recognition的技術,相信也是很重要的!


3.Bill Gates說2006年能解決垃圾郵件的問題。不過,我相信道高一尺、魔高一丈。 發送垃圾郵件會成為一門事業,有專門研擬破解anti-spam的技術的專業團隊。而更因為有需求(發廣告),所以更會有供給產生。


圖片垃圾信猖獗 垃圾郵件加倍成長
文/陳曉莉 (編譯) 2006-12-08
訊息安全業者在近日相繼揭露全球的垃圾郵件在近幾個月來急速成長,網友所收到的郵件 中,有9成以上為垃圾郵件,其中,圖片及檔案垃圾郵件的比例更是直線上升,同時全球的僵屍電腦更以每日25萬台的速度在增加。隨著垃圾郵件過濾軟體的普 及,以及反垃圾郵件法案的通過,曾經稍稍紓解了猖獗的垃圾郵件,只是,好景不常,垃圾郵件過濾業者IronPort Systems及訊息安全業者Postini在近日相繼揭露垃圾郵件捲土重來,採用其他技術躲避過濾軟體,並擴大僵屍電腦數量,讓垃圾郵件問題更甚以往。Postini指出,最近三個月的垃圾郵件數量增加了73%,今年垃圾郵件則比去年增加了143%,明年則將更為嚴重。Postini表示,日漸增加的垃圾郵件一方面來自於愈來愈多的僵屍電腦,另一方面駭客採用圖片及文件式的垃圾郵件,以閃避傳統主要針對文字的垃圾郵件過濾機制。Postini調查發現今年第四季的垃圾郵件中,圖像及文件式就佔了45%,去年同期該比例還不到2%。IronPort Systems也有同樣的發現,IronPort Systems表示,他們發現使用者所收到的每10封電子郵件中,有超過9封為垃圾郵件。此外,圖片垃圾郵件數量比去年成長了4倍,佔所有垃圾郵件的25%~45%。

反垃圾郵件業者是在今年夏天發現圖片垃圾郵件暴增的趨勢,並與垃圾郵件發送者展開一場技術大戰。業者先是採用光學字元辨識技術來掃瞄郵件中的圖片以 辨識其 中的文字,而垃圾郵件發送者則利用圓點或雜亂的背景圖案來閃避辨識技術;此外,當業者能夠攔阻一圖片垃圾郵件時,郵件發送者所撰寫的軟體可自動更改圖片中 的圖點,再度企圖闖關。


根據反垃圾郵件業者Secure Computing的估計,每天全球新增的僵屍電腦約有25萬台。

Postini執行副總裁Dan Druker表示,雖然每年的第四季都會有較多的垃圾郵件,但今年第四季垃圾郵件增加的數量已超乎平常,這顯示明年使用者將會遇見更多的垃圾郵件,其中圖形垃圾郵件的數量將更甚以往。

微軟董事長Bill Gates在2004年曾經預測垃圾郵件問題將會在2006年被解決。Dan Druker說,每一個人都認為這是個能夠被解決的問題,但它現在卻愈來愈嚴重。(編譯/陳曉莉)


AOL出了一款使用kaspersky的防毒軟體Active Virus Shield,而且是免費的,所以就推薦給朋友使用。






There is a lot of cracks or patches or fixes that aims to bypass or skip Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation process, or trick the WGA validation results to be always genuine. However, these workarounds do not address the fundamental issue of the problem – that’s the product CD key or volume license key (VLK) registered in your copy of Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE) and Windows Server 2003 is invalid or has been blocked or banned by Microsoft. The following ultimate WGA Patcher Permanent Kit with cracks and procedures all-in-one package will convert and transform the pirated Windows operating system into genuine and legitimate OS when validate by Microsoft’s WGA, by changing the serial number, product key or VLK of the Windows with a valid CD key, and when necessary, apply patch.

1. Download WGA Patcher Permanent Kit ( (link removed due to complaint from Microsoft) which contains Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder v1.51 (keyfinder.exe), Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostics Tool 1.5.0717.0 (MGADiag.exe), wga-hosts-fix 0.1 (wga-fix.exe), and Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 VLK key generator (Windows XP Keygen.exe or MSKey).
2. Extract the zip file.
3. Run the Windows XP/2003 key generator (Windows XP Keygen.exe or MSKey).
4. In the key generator, under the Product Family, select 「Windows XP Pro. VLK」, and click the 「Generate」 button to generate a valid and genuine serial key for Windows XP (choose Windows Server 2003 VLK for Windows 2003).
5. Note down the product key or serial that is generated (can leave the program opens).
6. Execute Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder (keyfinder.exe)
7. Once launched, Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder will display the existing Windows and Office product key in the system. Select 「Microsoft Windows」 tab (open by default), and click on Options menu, and then select 「Change Windows Key」.
8. In the Change Microsoft Windows XP Key window, key in the product key or serial number generated from the keygen program in the boxes.
9. Click on Change button when done.
10. Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder will use Microsoft’s WMI script to change the product key of Windows XP. Follow on screen instruction to continue.
11. Run wga-fix.exe program.
12. Click on Yes button on the 『wga-host-fix 0.1 window’ to redirect WGA authorization and validation request to loopback address (
13. Uninstall or delete any cracked or patched LegitControlCheck.dll, WgaTray.exe and WgaLogon.dll located in \Windows\System32 folder.
14. Go to Windows (Microsoft) Updates or Microsoft Download Center to download updates or applications in which require validation. Install WGA Validation Tool ActiveX when prompted.
15. Run the Microsoft Microsoft Genuine Validation Diagnostic Tool (MGADiag.exe), and click on Continue button to proceed.
16. Click on OK when MGADiag finishes processing and displays your genuine status. The status should show GENUINE, and not NOT ACTIVATED.

After applying this trick or hack, Microsoft WGA Validation Tool will treat the Windows as genuine, as in you legally purchase and buy the Windows OS. Users can access to Windows Updates or Microsoft Updates, download WGA validation required software products from Microsoft Download Center such as as Windows Defender, WMP11, IE7, DirectX and etc, and also to install these programs with proper validation without any cracks. This hack or trick should works on Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE), and even Windows Server 2003, and users can pick any browsers they like, including IE6, IE7, Firefox, Netscape or web browser powerd by IE such as MSN Explorer or AOL Explorer.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purpose only. If you’re having problem with your Windows validation, contact Microsoft.

五月 2024
